
Welcome to my Website

My name is Kermit Stanbach, and I built this website for my English Class, Engl 439, Writing in Digital Spaces. It's a Challenged Based Learning Class designed to teach methods of communication in today's world... I guess.

I built this site with the aid of my instructor and a course taught by Mark Lassoff at Udemy. Udemy is an online academy that offers courses on various subjects from Yoga to C++.

But it's not just an assignment; I have grown quite attached to this project considering the amount of time I've spent on it, so don't think of it as that. Some of the links are projects I've spent a great deal of effort on.

Two of the links above are projects I'm working on in my garage: The Differential Project and the Camaro Project. I initially wanted to make the webpage all about welding and welding projects, but I didn't have time to do that; so, I added a vacation to Newfoundland that I and my wife took a while back, and some pictures my wife took while she was in Rome, Italy working.

My wife is a flight attendant for United Airlines, and she goes to a lot of interesting places; she also goes to places like Boise Idaho, too, so it's not all glamour. But, thanks to her flying I was able to add the link for Rome.

Finally, I did a link for my Dog, Leo Dog, just because. He is a good dog, a little hyper, but a good dog nonetheless.